Rhinoplasty (nose job) is a popular option with many cosmetic benefits, however, rhinoplasty has evolved to have much more versatile applications, correcting breathing and improving the patient’s quality of life.
Our nose is the central organ in our face and plays a key factor in proper breathing. Our nose is perhaps one of the most important features of our face and plastic surgery can correct both functional and aesthetic abnormalities of it.
Once the Plastic Surgeon has a complete history of the patient, he / she should fully inform him/her about the procedure. Then the surgeon will take some photos of the area to be treated.
The operation is recommended for women over 17 and for men over 18 years of age, because development of the nose completes at the end of puberty.
The following instructions should be followed:
The above procedure is usually done with general anesthesia. Sometimes, it can be done with local anesthesia or even sedation.
After the surgery, the patient should stay for a few hours in the hospital and not drive for the first 24 hours. Patients are rarely hospitalized in the evening.
There are 2 types of rhinoplasty operations:
In open rhinoplasty the incision is carried out in the narrowest part of the penis (the point between the nostrils) and extends into the nostrils.
In closed rhinoplasty the incisions are performed in the nostril mucus. Depending on the type of changes required for each patient, either the open or the closed method is selected.
The duration of the surgery may be from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the type of surgery.
Avoid intense activities that will increase heartbeats to 100 / min (e.g aerobic exercise, heavy objects or crouching) for the first 3 weeks after surgery. After 2 weeks you will be able to gradually increase your activities and normalize them at the end of the third week.
Complications in plastic surgery operations are not common but it is necessary to be aware of them at the first appointment.
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