Mesotherapy is a technique of surface injections in the middle layer of the skin which contributes to the hydration and revitalization of the skin. The substances that are injected are vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and our own blood as platelets, the so-called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).
Mesotherapy with Hyaluronic Acid is Ideal for hydration of the skin.
Platelet Mesotherapy – PRP:
The technique is simple and completely natural since it is based on a simple blood collection. We are performing the treatment with the best antiseptic conditions in our clinic. The platelets are separated from the patient’s blood in high concentration and then injected into the skin. The treatment is almost painless and the results are visible in two weeks.
Platelet mesotherapy is used in the face as an antiaging technique and should be repeated regularly. PRP is also widely used as a treatment against hair loss.
Complications in plastic surgery operations are not common but it is necessary to be aware of them at the first appointment.
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