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Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower Blepharoplasty – Description

Lower Blepharoplasty is the appropriate method for a more relaxed and youthful look. The way of life, nutrition, stress, constant fatigue and the passage of time leave their marks on the skin. Even young people have dark circles and “bags” under their eyes, making them look much older and tired.
The first signs of continuous fatigue are visible mainly on the face and eyes.

Lower Blepharoplasty – What should be done pre-operatively?

It is necessary for the surgeon to compare photos of the patient’s younger age with the current ones.

  • Smoking should be stopped 6 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery, to reduce the chance of complications.
  • Use of aspirin or other medicines containing aspirin or ibuprofen should be avoided before surgery.
  • They should not eat or drink water 6 hours before the scheduled time of the surgery. He/she should wash well the area of the eye and for the women patients, they should avoid makeup.

Lower Blepharoplasty – Type of anesthesia

Lower Blepharoplasty can be done with local anesthesia or sedation. The patient can return home the same day, 2-3 hours after the surgery, as no special treatment is required.

Lower Blepharoplasty – Surgical technique

Initially, the surgical design of the area is made in an upright position. The incisions are made just below the lashes and extend outwardly and below alongside the wrinkles of the outer, lower eyelid. Excess intraocular fat is removed under the muscle clamp, and then the excess skin is removed. It is intended to suture the muscle and skin so the surgeon can avoid the downward tendency of the skin and stickers on the outside. The duration of the surgery lasts about 60 minutes.

Lower Blepharoplasty and Combination Surgery

Blepharoplasty is very often associated with Lipoplasty, which is the transfer of fat to the lower eyelids. Lipoplasty helps to avoid tired eyes after a lower blepharoplasty and also restores the volume of the cheekbones, one of the main reasons for fatigue image. Aggressive techniques for removing large amounts of intracranial fat have been left.

Lower Blepharoplasty can also be combined with Upper Blepharoplasty and ridge, with a mini and total facelift.
In many cases, it is necessary to pass through the inside of the eyelids in order to remove the extra fat and then remove the extra skin with a smaller incision. In this case, the lower eyelid muscle is not injured.

Lower Blepharoplasty – Post-operative instructions

  • After surgery, swelling and minor bruising are gradually receding after the first 48 hours.
  • Apply ice topically for the first 2 days and sleep with two pillows for a rapid recovery.
  • Vision may be a little blurry after surgery, but it improves very quickly.
  • Sutures are removed after 7 days.
  • During the first week, physical exercise and the use of contact lenses should be avoided.
  • You can usually return to work after a week.

Lower Blepharoplasty – Complications

The possible side effects or complications of Lower Blepharoplasty are:

  • Ectropion, ie downward movement of the lower eyelid, is mainly avoided by the correct surgical technique.
  • Infection, although it is a very rare complication
  • Hematoma
  • A nasty scar very uncommon
  • Large amounts of fat from the lower eyelids.


With proper surgical technique and postoperative monitoring, the risk of complications is almost zero. The final outcome of surgery is evaluated after 6-9 months and any minor discomfort can be corrected by local anesthesia.

It should be made clear that the patient should not underestimate the possible complications of Lower Blepharoplasty and follow doctor’s instructions.

Preparation before surgery

  1. Photographs of the area are taken.
  2. Classical preoperative check-up includes blood tests, chest X-ray, and cardiac evaluation.
  3. 12 hours before surgery do not eat anything.
  4. 6 hours before surgery do not drink anything.
  5. On the morning of the operation do not take any medication without the anesthesiologist's approval.
  6. Alcohol should be stopped 1 week before surgery.
  7. In the case of general anesthesia, it is necessary to meet with the anesthesiologist before the surgery.
  8. Report previous anesthetic experiences, either positive or negative and inform him/her of any health problems or medication you are taking.
  9. Do not take aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, or herbal supplements 10 days before the surgery, as they increase the possibility of bleeding during and after surgery.
  10. 3 days before the surgery and every day after washing your face or body with medicated soap, depending on the planned surgery.

General Complications after surgery

Complications in plastic surgery operations are not common but it is necessary to be aware of them at the first appointment.

  • Hematoma: A hematoma is the accumulation of blood in the wound.
  • Inflammation: To prevent inflammation, antibiotics are administered during surgery.
  • Poor wound healing: If the incision in the operated site is more prominent than expected, it can be corrected 6 months to a year after surgery with local anesthesia. In some cases, the appearance of keloids is possible where specific treatment is needed.
  • Skin necrosis: It is more likely in heavy smokers.
  • Pulmonary embolism and thrombosis.

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